Euro Taxi SlivenSee how your taxi comes in real time.You only need to select a home address. You do not have to create an acted or share on social networks, just choose the destination you want.You only order two-button taxi !!!Your order is accepted and processed by our dispatchers, then you see what your tax is, where it is in the coin, how long it will be with you and how it comes to you.When you place your order, you can choose different requirements such as: the car travels through a dirt road, carries a luggage, has a luggage compartment or wagon, and a bunch of others.You can also write directly to our dispatchers through our chat system in real time.How do I call a taxi?You must activate your gps.Place the marker in the middle of the screen, at the address you want to travel from and click the "home address" button.The addresses selected by you are saved in the application and can be used as quick keys for the next order.In case of forbidden items in the taxi, problems encountered during the execution of your order, incorrect or inappropriate treatment of our drivers, please contact us.